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1. Khruschev Sergey, Lev Vladimir, Mezentsev Nikolay, Shkaruba Vitaliy, Syrovatin Vasiliy, Tarasenko Olga, Tsukanov Valeriy, Volkov Askold, Zorin Artem, Magnetic system of the high field superconducting multipole wiggler for LSU CAMD. Proceedings of 12 European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS-2015), Lyon, France, September. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2016.- Volume:26, Issue:3, p.7389339. 2. Alexey Bragin, Axel Bernhard, Sara Casalbuoni, Laura Garcia Fajardo, Paolo Ferracin, Andreas Grau, Yevgeny Gusev, Steffen Hillenbrand, Sergey Khruschev, Iliya Poletaev, Vitaliy Shkaruba, Daniel Schoerling, Vasily Syrovatin , Olga Tarasenko, Valeriy Tsukanov, Askold Volkov, Konstantin Zolotarev, Nikolay Mezentsev, Test results of a CLIC damping wiggler prototype. // IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2016, Volume:26, Issue:4, p.4102504. 3. A.Bernhard, J.Gethmann, S.Casalbuoni, S.Gerstl, A.W.Grau, E.Huttel, A.-S.Mueller, D.Saez de Jauregui, N.J.Smale, A.V.Bragin, S.V. Khrushchev, N.A.Mezentsev, V.A.Shkaruba, V.M.Tsukanov, K.V.Zolotarev, P.Ferracin, L.Garcia Fajardo, Y.Papaphilippou, H.Schmickler, D.Schoerling, A CLIC damping wiggler prototype at ANKA: commissioning and preparation for a beam dynamics experimental program. Proceedings of IPAC2016, Busan, Korea. p.2412-2415. 4. A.Bragin, S.Khrushchev, V.Kubarev, N.Mezentsev, V.Shkaruba, G.Sozinov, V.Tsukanov, Superconducting solenoid for superfast THz spectroscopy. SRF-2016, //Physics Procedia 84 (2016) 82-85. 5. A.Bragin, Ye.Gusev, S.Khrushchev, N.Mezentsev, V.Shkaruba, V.Syrovatin, O.Tarasenko, V.Tsukanov, A.Volkov, K. Zolotarev, A.Zorin, Superconducting 72-pole indirect cooling 3Tesla wiggler for CLIC dumping ring and ANKA image beamline. SRF-2016, // Physics Procedia 84 (2016) 54-61. 6. S.Khrushchev, V.Lev, N. Mezentsev, V.Shkaruba, V.Syrovatin, V.Tsukanov, K.Zolotarev, Performance of Nitrogen Heat Tubes in Cooling Down of Superconducting Magnets. SRF-2016, // Physics Procedia 84 (2016) 90-95. 7. S.Khrushchev, N.Mezentsev, V.Shkaruba, V.Syrovatin, V.Tsukanov, The research of the superconducting undulator prototype with neutral poles and features of the magnetic field distribution in it. SRF-2016, // Physics Procedia 84 (2016) 62-66. 8. N.A. Mezentsev, S.V. Khrushchev, V.A. Shkaruba, V.M. Syrovatin, and V.M. Tsukanov, “Planar Superconducting Undulator With Neutral Poles”, in Proc. 25th Russian Particle Accelerator Conf. (RuPAC'16), St. Petersburg, Russia, Nov. 2016, paper TUCAMH01, pp. 21-23. 9. A. V. Bragin, S. V. Khruschev, N. A. Mezentsev, V. Lev, V. A. Shkaruba, V. M. Tsukanov, V. M. Syrovatin, O. A. Tarasenko, A. A. Volkov, K. V. Zolotarev, Cryogenic system and temperature control of superconducting wigglers with indirect cooling, Proceedings of 14th Cryogenics IIR International Conference, CRYOGENICS - 2017, Dresden, 400-405. 10. Alexey Bragin, Sergey Khruschev, Vladimir Lev, Nikolay Mezentsev, Vitaliy Shkaruba, Vasily Syrovatin, Olga Tarasenko, Valeriy Tsukanov, AskoldVolkov, and Artem Zorin, Short-Period Superconducting Undulator Coils With Neutral Poles: Test Results, //IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, VOL. 28, Issue: 4, JUNE 2018, 4101904. 11. V.A.Shkaruba, A.V.Bragin, S.V.Khrushchev, V.K.Lev, N.A.Mezentsev, V.M.Syrovatin, O.A.Tarasenko, V.M.Tsukanov, A.A.Volkov, A.V.Zorin, Status of development of superconducting insertion devices for generation of synchrotron radiation at Budker INP, Proc. of RuPAC-2018, Protvino, Russia, p.94-99. 12. A.Valentinov, V.Korchuganov, V.Ushakov, S.Khrushchev, N.Mezentsev, V.Shkaruba, V.Tsukanov, New superconducting wigglers for KSRS, Proc. of RuPAC-2018, Protvino, Russia, p.407-409. 13. N. Mezentsev, A. Bragin, S. Khrushchev, A. Safronov, V. Shkaruba, O. Tarasenko, V. Tsukanov, A. Volkov, A. Zorin, V. Lev, S. Khan, Superconducting 7 Tesla wiggler for Delta synchrotron radiation source: test results, Proc. of RuPAC-2018, Protvino, Russia, p.410-413. 14. S. V. Khrushchev, V. A. Shkaruba, N. A. Mezentsev, V. M. Tsukanov, O. A. Tarasenko, A. A. Volkov, A. V. Bragin, V. Kh. Lev, A. A. Safronov, E. Karantzoulis, and D. Zangrando, Upgrade of the superconducting multipole wiggler magnetic system for the ELETTRA Storage Ring, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2019, Vol. 83, No. 2, pp. 204–207. 15. A.V. Bragin, A.I. Erokhin, Ye.A. Gusev, S. Khan, S.V. Khrushchev, V.Kh. Lev, N.A. Mezentsev, A.N. Safronov, V.A. Shkaruba, O.A. Tarasenko,V.M. Tsukanov, S.S. Vasichev, A.A. Volkov, A.V. Zorin, The 22-Pole superconducting 7-Tesla wiggler for the DELTA storage ring, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2019, Vol.83,No.2,pp.208–214. 16. Zorin A.V., Mezentsev N.A., Zolotarev K.V., Shkaruba V.A., Radiation-Generating Devices for Domestic Sources of Synchrotron Radiation with Extremely Low Emittance, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2019, Vol. 83, No. 2, pp. 121–123. 17. Khruschev S., Mezentsev N., Shkaruba V., Tsukanov V., Syrovatin V., Efficiency of operation of cryogenic system of superconducting wigglers with cryocoolers, 15th International Institute of Refrigeration Conference on Cryogenics, CRYOGENICS 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, Refrigeration Science and Technology, Volume F147717, Pages 351-356. 18. Bragin A.V., Kholopov M.A., Mezentsev N.A., Syrovatin V.M., Shkaruba V.A., Tikhonov Y.A., Development of cryogenic cooling system for the superconducting dipole magnet of the CBM detector, 15th International Institute of Refrigeration Conference on Cryogenics, CRYOGENICS 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, Refrigeration Science and Technology, Volume F147717, Pages 333-338. 19. В.А.Шкаруба, А.В.Брагин, А.А.Волков, А.И.Ерохин, А.В.Зорин, В.Х.Лев, Н.А.Мезенцев, А.Н.Сафронов, В.М.Сыроватин, О.А.Тарасенко, С.В.Хрущев, В.М.Цуканов, Сверхпроводящие многополюсные вигглеры для генерации синхротронного излучения в ИЯФ СО РАН, Письма в ЭЧАЯ. 2020. Т. 17, № 4(229). С. 567–575. 20. V.A.Shkaruba, A.V.Bragin, A.A.Volkov, A.I.Erokhin, A.V.Zorin, V.Kh.Lev, N.A.Mezentsev, A.N.Safronov, V.M.Syrovatin, O.A.Tarasenko, S.V.Khrushchev, V.M.Tsukanov, Superconducting multipole wigglers for generating synchrotron radiation at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 2020, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 542–547. 21. V. Shkaruba, A. Bragin, A. Erokhin, Ye. Gusev, P. Kanonik, S. Khrushchev, V. Lev, N. Mezentsev, A. Safronov, O. Tarasenko, V. Tsukanov, A. Volkov, A. Zorin. Superconducting 3 Tesla 54-pole indirect cooling wigglers with a period of 48 mm for Kurchatov synchrotron radiation source. AIP Conference Proceedings 2299, 020005 (2020). 22. S. Khrushchev, P.Kanonik, V.Lev, N.Mezentsev, A.Safronov, V.Shkaruba, V.Tsukanov, A.Volkov, A.Zorin. Magnetic measurements in small aperture of indirect cooling wiggler. AIP Conference Proceedings 2299, 020012 (2020). 23. V.M.Tsukanov, S.V.Khrushchev, N.A.Mezentsev, A.N.Safronov, V.A.Shkaruba. Development of indirect cooling cryogenic system with nitrogen and helium heat pipes for superconducting insertion devices at BINP. AIP Conference Proceedings 2299, 020018 (2020). 24. P.Kanonik, S.Shruschev, N.Mezentsev, V.Shkaruba, O.Tarasenko, V.Tsukanov, A.Volkov, A.Zorin, A.Erokhin, A.Bragin. Superconducting elliptical undulator. AIP Conference Proceedings 2299, 020013 (2020). 25. P.Kanonik, S.Khruschev, N.Mezentsev, V.Shkaruba, O.Tarasenko, V.Tsukanov, A.Volkov, A.Zorin, A.Erokhin, A.Bragin. Superconducting undulator with variable configuration of magnetic field. AIP Conference Proceedings 2299, 020014 (2020).